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Writer's pictureJason Sims

How to Unlock the Habit of Being a FINISHER Random Wednesdays Leadership Blog by Jason Sims #1

How to Unlock the Habit of Being a FINISHER

#1a Create a Start ROUTINE

How you start, is how you will finish. Check out this video!

Anything worth starting, is worth finishing in excellence. Bishop Ervin Sims Jr.

#1b. Finish one small thing before you begin the next thing.

Take something off your plate before you put something on it. It doesn’t have to be big. Here’s an example.

When I sit down to work, I answer the top 5 critical emails in my inbox. You could:

  1. Throw something in the garbage.

  2. Save an unsaved document that’s hanging out on your desktop.

  3. Put something in its place.

  4. Close a few browser windows.

Caution: Don’t chase a 100 "possibilities". Finish one thing. It’s about the habit, not an elusive rabbit of evasive task.


#2. Begin-AND-finish small tasks.

Don’t create additional "possibilities" by half-doing a task you can finish in excellence quickly!


#3. When you leave your desk, put one thing in its place.

Before I leave my workspace, I remove all mail and paper clutter.

Before you break for lunch or go to your next meeting…

  1. Put away paper, pens, or headphones.

  2. Prepare your desk for the thing you’re going to do when you return.

“The shorter way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.” Mozart

#4. Only start what you intend to finish.

Ask yourself, “Do I intend to finish this?”.

If the answer is NO, then reprioritize that task and move to something you are positive you can complete.

Unlock being a a reputation of getting things DONE.


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