Doing more by doing less!
Most of us do too much of what matters the least. I think it’s a compulsion because busyness has become a status symbol.
Busy is the proper response to, “How are you doing?” There is a perception that you are not a good leader, if you eat dinner at home, are a staple at your kids little league games, take weekends off, and don’t send emails at 2:01 a.m.
If you don’t have a crazy schedule something’s wrong with you.
Here are a few ways to do more by doing less!
Focus on ONE thing!
Life is a disaster when everything is urgent. It makes you feel important, but the opposite is true.
Important people do important things. I’m not talking about being too good to pick up trash in the parking lot. I’m talking about choosing one or two places to invest your time, energy, and talent in order to make meaningful contribution.
Get more done by choosing one important thing to do today.
Make your own decisions!
A person who lets others run their life does what matters to others. Jason Sims
Put the proper protocols in place to not have to always wait for others to approve or make decesions for you.
Get some sleep
Tired people DON'T get more done? You get more done by getting enough rest. Too much rest is exhausting. Too little rest is debilitating.
Schedule mental rest during each day!
White space on the calendar is GOOD space. Schedule time in your calendar to reflect, meditate, show gratitude for the little things and sometimes to DO nothing. Take your mind completely off the next important task. Having to always schedule daily back-to-back-to-back meetings indicates poor management. Get more done by realizing schedule management is self-management.